MacMiceÀÇ PowerBook / iBook¿ë °ÅÄ¡´ë iPerch.
Griffin TechnologyÀÇ iCurveº¸´Ù ´õ Æ°Æ°ÇØ º¸ÀδÙ.
°¡°ÝÀº iCurve¿Í µ¿ÀÏÇÑ $39.99
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When we decided to build an acrylic desk stand for Powerbooks and iBooks, we first studied the other stands on the market. We wanted to find their strengths and their weaknesses, and use those lessons to make our product better. What we found is either really ugly "office store" type stands, or one noteworthy product that is very pretty, but is also pretty flimsy. When we talked to customers, what we found is that many people want to actually type on their Powerbook or iBook when it's on the stand; but, the one premium product on the market specifically says it is made for use with a keyboard and mouse... not recommended for directly typing on the notebook. And, sure enough, when we tried to type on the keyboard using that product, our Powerbook bounced around like it was mounted on springs. We needed to find a better design.
Cross Sectional Area And Rigidity
While the Acrylite brand clear acrylic sheet we use in our manufacturing is the most optically pure such material sold, it is, frankly, not any more rigid than any other acrylic; acrylic is, inherently, a fairly elastic material. However, by paying careful attention to the structural design of the iPerch, first, and its appearance, second, we got our priorities right, and have built a stand that can be used for direct typing: no problem. We simply made the body of the iPerch thick enough (a full 3/8th-inch thick) and wide enough (6 full inches through the middle) to be sturdy. And, while this has made our materials cost about double that of the other premium Powerbook stand on the market, we have kept our price the same as theirs. Better stand; same price. Quite a deal.
Beautiful Clear Acrylic
The iPerch is hand fabricated, one at a time in Tennessee, using U.S. made Acrylite brand acrylic sheet. The bends are hand formed, using a slow heat bending system that puts less internal stresses inside the product than mass production heating systems create... this means the iPerch is much less likely to crack or shatter in the future. All of the edges are flame polished to a gleaming mirror shine, again, completely by hand. The iPerch is a true craftsman's product.
Cleverly Designed For Comfort And Safety
The iPerch is beautifully engineered and crafted to provide a lifetime of service, and to hold your Apple notebook at just the right height and angle for effective, comfortable use... with or without a keyboard.
Your precious Powerbook or iBook (any size, including the 17-inch Powerbook) is held snugly in place by soft, gummy clear plastic pads that are on the top surface of the iPerch. We tested both a front lip version and this version and determined that there was simply no risk of a notebook sliding off of the iPerch, using these amazing little pads that we have sourced.
The Bottom Line
Until the iPerch, there was only one choice for portable Macintosh users wanting a gorgeously designed, clear acrylic desk stand. But now, there is the iPerch... sturdier, hand-crafted in the U.S., wonderfully attractive... and priced right.
Posted by hanyoonseok at June 9, 2003 03:01 PM | AppleÀú°Ô ¸ÀÀÖÀ»±î? ¿Ö ħÀ» ²Ã±ï? -0-
Posted by: ¾Æ¿ÀÀÌ at June 9, 2003 05:08 PMÀú°Ô ¸ÀÀÖÀ»±î? ¿Ö ħÀ» ²Ã±ï? -0-
Posted by: ¾Æ¿ÀÀÌ at June 9, 2003 05:08 PMÀú°Ô ¸ÀÀÖÀ»±î? ¿Ö ħÀ» ²Ã±ï? -0-
Posted by: MoulinRouge at June 9, 2003 06:57 PM(Àç¹ÔÀ» ²¨ °°¾Æ¼.)
Posted by: MoulinRouge at June 9, 2003 06:58 PM±Û½ê ´«À» »Ì¾Æ¹ö¸®´Â ¹æ¹ý¹Û¿£ ¾ø´Ù´Ï±î¿ê~! -0-;
Posted by: witch at June 9, 2003 08:11 PM¾ÆÀÌ »¹Ä¡ -_-;
Posted by: j-bros at June 10, 2003 12:27 AMÁ¦À̺ê·Î´ÔÀÇ ÄÚ¸àÆ®¸¦ º¸°í³ª´Ï ´õ´õ¿í ±¸ÀÔÇؾ߸¸ ÇÒ °Í°°±º¿ä.
À¸À½... -_-;
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Posted by: ±¹»§ at June 10, 2003 10:50 AM°ú¿¬ ¾Æ´Ï »ì¼ö ¾øµµ´Ù!!
Posted by: ð© at June 10, 2003 04:30 PM±×³É ¸¸µé¾îº¸Áö ±×·¯³Ä...µþ¶û ¾ÆÅ©¸± ÇÑÆÇ Â©¶ó¼ ²ÙºÎ·Á ³í°Å¹Û¿¡ ´õ ÀÖ³Ä?
Posted by: qkswn at June 10, 2003 11:11 PM